06 October 2010

First Trip Back to The States!

Greetings from Zurich!

We have been extremely busy since I last blogged.  In the last post, I tried to relive our wonderful trip with our friends all over Europe.  But, once we got back home it was back to reality... at least for a little while.  Before I knew it I was preparing for a much anticipated three week trip home to visit our loved ones.  For a while there it seemed like all I was doing was making lists...

1.  Things to do before we leave
2.  Things to take home
3.  Things to buy once we are home
4.  And of course, things to bring back that we forgot the first time around

We flew home on a Friday, and let me tell you, that was a test of my patience.  We ended up sitting on the plane for three hours in Zurich before we could take off.  Why?  No biggie... just missing a part.  Nothing makes waiting on a plane for three hours worse than being able to look straight up the isle to see the flight attendants bringing around an entire cart of wine for those in first class.  Boy, first class was really living it up.  Back in coach, CJ discovered his seat did not recline.  Well, that was unfortunate because our flight was completely filled and CJ had a lot of work that he brought for the flight.  Lack of reclining room was really putting the kobash on his being able to reach his computer keys.  So, being the wonderful wife that I am, I traded seats.  Normally, under the best of circumstances, I am unable to sleep on a plane.  Well, sleep was impossible in a totally erect seat.

Due to our delay at take off, we obviously missed our connection in Philly.  When we finally arrived they had new tickets for us on a later flight.  After racing across the airport to our new terminal, we find that our new flight was delayed over an hour.  Why?  Oh, just no pilot.  But, by this time I was getting EXTREMELY cranky.  And that is a gross understatement.  I don't know how CJ was putting up with me.  Plus, his calm was only agitating me more.  I mean really, how could he still be calm?  But, like the good husband he is, he knew exactly what to do.  He took me to the nearest airport bar, bought me some food and my first American beer!

And so from there, our trip home only improved!  Early the morning after we arrived I got to do something I had been looking forward to for a very long time.  I finally got to get my hair cut and colored!  Since it is outrageous to go to the salon here in Zurich, and I was slightly worried about the language barrier, I hadn't had my hair done at all since moving to Switzerland nine months earlier?!?!  Crazy, I know.  And after beautifying myself again, I was ready to start the visits.

In between all of our doctors appointments and work related meetings we had SO much fun catching up with everyone.  We got to attend two of my cousins graduation parties.  And I might not have believed they were old enough to graduate and go off to college if I wasn't there to see it myself. I can remember holding them both as little babies.  But, I digress...

We made a trip to the Geneva wineries, to enjoy the beautiful weather.  And we got to enjoy eating out with family and friends at some of the places we had been craving.  Well, it was mostly me with the cravings... and so I managed to eat at Chipotle THREE times!!  Awesome.  We also were finally able to drink some of the drinks we cannot get over here.  CJ was really looking forward to drinking the Great Lakes Christmas Ales his family had been stockpiling for him, and I was able to again drink the delicious nectar that is Bud Light Lime!  Oh so much better than I even remembered...

We celebrated the 4th of July!  And we celebrated Christmas in July, since we did not make it home for the real thing.  And another summer tradition that we were able to do was attend a Dave Matthews concert in Pittsburgh.  We had so much fun with our family and friends.  Not only was it wonderful to get to see everyone and get to do some of the things we were missing, but it also felt wonderful to be surrounded by the familiar.  I think most of the time we both feel really lucky and blessed that we get to live over here in Zurich and we get to experience all these wonderful new things together.  But, it can also be really challenging.  When you leave everything and everyone you know, there are definite obstacles.  And even though we are fortunate to have each other, sometimes it is really nice to have that little slice of home for a little while.

For three wonderful weeks, CJ got to relax without work (mostly) and I got to be surrounded by my bestest girlfriends again.  CJ managed to play as much golf as his heart desired (it is FAR too expensive to play golf in Switzerland AND you have to have a registered handicap to even get on a course).  He even squeezed in a trip to North Carolina to visit his brother.  And while he was away, I tried to get in my share of girl time... as if there could ever be enough.

And our fabulous trip was capped off with the wedding of our friends Trevor and Sarah.  It was a great way to end a great trip, surrounded at a huge party with lots and lots of our best friends!!  Even though we were sad to have to go, it was great to have a full three weeks.  And I think we were both a little glad to be back in beautiful Zurich and have some alone time again.  As much as we pretend not to, we really do like spending time alone together.  :)

And before we knew it, we were back to trip planning.  CJ's family will be here to visit us in less than two weeks, and so I am back to making lists.  While they are here we (read: I) are planning trips to Paris and Munich for Oktoberfest.  Due to my OCD tendencies, everything is pretty much mapped, planned, and plotted in color coordinated order, of course.  We are both really looking forward to hosting family and to get to show more people around our turf!  Until next time...


1 comment:

  1. OMG, I never knew what happened on the plane ride home! Was so happy when you were here and cannot wait for you to come back!
