30 November 2009

Thanksgiving and The Christmas Spirit... Swiss Style of Course!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Over here it was business as usual... except for us Americans. We wanted to have a real Thanksgiving (or as much as possible), so last week I was on the hunt for all the ingredients for an authentic dinner. And it was not an easy task.

The menu included:
  • Salad
  • Turkey (breast, not a whole turkey... as a whole [ONLY 7 lbs.] turkey cost 50 CHF?!?!)
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Corn (DUH!)
  • Homemade Stuffing (Yes, I actually made it from a loaf of bread not a box)
  • Asparagus
  • and Homemade Apple Pie (Again, yes, FROM SCRATCH... dough and all!)
This feast required a trip to five, repeat FIVE, different stores over a two day period. Apparently the Swiss did not want to make it easy for us to celebrate the Pilgrims coming to America. While I cooked all day, CJ had to work. Another pitfall of celebrating a purely American holiday. This was our first real holiday since getting married... weird, I know... It was sad to be away from all the people we love. But, I was really dreading having to cook an entire Thanksgiving dinner by my self. Let's be honest, I'm not a super cook to begin with, and I was cut loose on the holiday that most revolves around food! But, when it was all finished, it was DELICIOUS... if I do say so myself. And I do. Here are some pictures of how everything turned out:

Me with the meal!

The pie sitting by the window to cool... straight out of a Mickey Mouse cartoon.

While it was hard for us to be away on Thanksgiving, Friday, for me, was worse! I LOVE BLACK FRIDAY with a passion that few understand!!! There is nothing like the thrill of being out before dawn to begin the Christmas shopping season. Now, as I get older, I hate fighting crowds to shop or fighting for merchandise or the chance to try something on... but Black Friday is different. It's sacred. There is an energy in the air that is INFECTIOUS! There is no time too early to start standing in line! Unfortunately, this year, I didn't go out to buy anything. I did have plans though, with some of the significant others from CJ's work. So, even though I wasn't out bargain hunting, I still had a great day and met some really great people!

Funny side note... on Friday I brought home a chocolate bar from my event. CJ (the same guy who didn't eat chocolate for 10 years) is now in the habit of having a little chocolate after practically every meal. I told him he could have some of my (king size) candy bar. Well, when he opened it, there was melted chocolate inside, which then dripped out everywhere... This is the mess that ensued...

Never one to waste food, he ended up eating the WHOLE candy bar!

Saturday was a beautiful day! The weather finally decided to cooperate, and CJ was able to drag me out for a morning run by the lake. It really was a picture perfect fall day! Afterward, we went out in search of some Christmas decorations. We bought a tree, lights, and some ornaments. I do think the Christmas decorations are going to be a bit sparse though, since we will only have them for the next couple years. I am still debating about getting a few poinsettias... but am worried that they will all be dead when we get back from Rome... anyhow...

Later we headed out to see a couple of the Christmas Markets on Saturday. WOW, do they know how to decorate here! It was all so beautiful. The thing that struck me as being different from home is that EVERYTHING here is decorated. We have beautiful decorations back home, but they are usually confined to the downtown square or bigger public places. Here, it seems like every side street was lit up. I am going to post a TON of pictures (consider yourself warned), because everything looked just awesome!!!

Me with the Singing Christmas Tree in the background... drinking some spiced wine of course! :)

Quick view of one of the Markets (I love the stars hanging in the trees!)

More beautiful decorations and trees!!

I especially LOVE the side streets... they look so magical!

Every department store was even decorated. This was a jewelry store. CJ obviously loved it, and I said this was the only way (covered in crystals) that I would ever allow a deer head in our house!

Here is the Singing Christmas Tree with real live singers! And they even sang carols in English!!

Here is the main tree at the big Christmas Market... decorated ONLY in Swarovski crystals!! Oooooh.... Ahhhhhh....

The whole city was lit up and wonderful.

Imagine our surprise when we were walking around the city and saw a display combining two of our favorite things!!! Hahahaha...

Some final pictures of the city!

It was great to be able to wander up and down the decorated streets, sipping some spiced wine! Or, in out case...

Juice boxes with wine!! Good find CJ!!

After wandering around Old Town we made our way to our first Swiss movie... NEW MOON! I cannot tell you how excited I was to see this movie! And it did NOT disappoint! Even CJ had to admit it held his attention. And I think what I loved most, well, besides Edward, was how closely it followed the book. Since I LOVED the books series, I wanted nothing more than to see exactly that (and not a lot of made up, extra crap) come to life. Good work New Moon!! I would love to talk about it over and over with anyone who will listen, but the movie itself was quite an experience. A few interesting things... 1. The movie cost us 38.00 CHF! No joke. EXPENSIVE! 2. There is assigned seating. 3. The movie theater had a full blown bar right before you went in... which brings me to... 4. Intermission. Honestly. I can't make this stuff up. The movie was just over 2 hours, and they had an intermission! 5. Also, the most comfortable leather seats I have ever sat in (but for the price it should come with a massage)... even the arm rest was padded!

All in all, one of the best nights I have had here so far! And a wonderful weekend overall. Sunday we put up the tree and listened to some Christmas music... just relaxed. I didn't take any tree pictures, but will eventually. We have CJ's work Christmas party this weekend, and so I will get back with even more pictures soon!! Love and miss you all!

1 comment:

  1. I finally caught up on reading your blog. I was only 2 behind, CJ made me feel like I never look at it when we were Skyping last weekend! I love reading what you write though, it's almost like I can hear you saying the words! If I don't talk to you guys before you head out, have a blast in Rome! I love you and miss you both! xoxo
